• How’s Your Garden?

    How’s Your Garden?

    I love gardening. It’s so fun seeing the beauty of a flower bed or tasting the freshness of a home-grown tomato and knowing that your hard work helped make it happen. It’s fun giving away the abundance of vegetables that we could never eat or store. And what a joy to have people tell you…

  • Giving Up

    Giving Up

    Have you ever felt like just giving up? Chances are that at some point in your life you’ve faced hardships or disappointments that made you feel like just throwing in the towel. If any of those times in your life stretched on for months or even years, then you can relate to the feeling of…

  • Fruit


    Well, I’m at that time of year again. That time when I look out at my young vegetable garden and wonder if all of that work is worth it. Right now there are just a bunch of baby plants that need weeded, watered, and fertilized. Hard work! Ugh! But then, I try to remind myself…

  • Finding Peace in Christ

    Finding Peace in Christ

    Today’s devotional came to me one day as I was searching the Bible for a connection between living with gratitude to God and gaining peace. It seemed to me that the more I focused on what I have in Christ and who I am in Christ, the more peaceful my life became. When I realize…

  • Emergency Fund

    Emergency Fund

    Through the years, John and I have been through our share of ups and downs financially. We’ve known times of feast and times of famine. We learned many lessons the hard way. We learned not to rely on credit cards or think of them as a security blanket. We’ve learned to become savers. We’ve learned…

  • Discipline


    Discipline, what an ugly word. It’s not a word we get excited about when we hear it. We often try to avoid even talking about it. Maybe when you hear the word, it only brings up negative thoughts. Maybe all you can think about is raising children. But today I’m referring to self-discipline. Even worse,…

  • Consider the Lilies

    Consider the Lilies

    “See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If this is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will…

  • A Great Cast of Characters

    A Great Cast of Characters

    “In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories… duh…duh…” (Law & Order) Every great TV show has a great cast of characters. As the opening to Law and Order states,…

  • Carrots


    Well, we’re reaching the end of the another growing season. Last week we pulled the last of the carrots. If you’ve ever grown carrots, you have seen the funny shapes that they can come in. They’re not all as perfect as the ones we get in the grocery store. Some stay short and stumpy, some…